Monday, 24 February 2014

"You know, people in my college would KILL to get that placement!"

So I haven't really been keeping my blog active. Sorry about that. I sort of forgot over the Christmas holidays....and the midterm. Doesn't matter, it's in the past.

So since I last blogged, I completed my second work experience in my old Primary School. I absolutely loved it and enjoyed waking up every Wednesday knowing I would be spending my day there. I worked mainly with senior infants and first class. The class was very well behaved and I was able to help them with their work etc. But I ended up doing a lot more jobs for the principal than I had expected, and after the first day, I rarely spent classtime with the children.

Over the midterm, I went for a meeting in a montessori for a placement there. I chose a montessori because I really loved working with children in the primary school, and my sister advised me to work with children again, but in a different age group. This is going to broaden my interest in working with children, and maybe I could end up with a career in Speech & Language therapy, Early Childhood Development, Child Psychology, maybe even setting up my own playschool - who knows? The playschool does HighScope which is more advanced than just playschool and is a totally different way of teaching kids. My sister said it's really hard to find places with HighScope that will take you for a work placement. She told me that "people in my college would KILL to get that placement!" I would have been mad not to take an opportunity like this! I can't wait to start.

So that's what's happened and that's what will happen soon,
I'll try and keep my blog more active. :)



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